Monday, July 21, 2014

Guilt is a beautiful thing...

Soooo Emerald Wynn asked me when I was going to blog again...well that of course guilted me out because I have been neglecting this blog for a year now. Above is a close up of Belleza's new skin Claudia that they released today.  You get every skin tone now when you buy a skin which is awesome!  It of course comes with the regular hair bases, cleavage, freckles etc. too.

My outfit is from The Deck which just opened a new round. The top, shorts and shoes were 95L a piece.  Can't get cute outfits like that for under 300L often.  It is a really good round so head over and grab the bargains.

Hair: Exile::Take Chances Blacks
Skin: -Belleza- Claudia Makeup 4 Deep Tan
Top: :::LP::: Juliard_Tee - Cherry
Shorts: :::LP::: Jean_Loose Shorts - Original
shoes: Essenz - La Paz (Red)

The Deck

1 comment:

Emerald Wynn said...

Oh, that skin is FABULOUS!!

LOL Yay! Everything I know about guilt, I learned from my mother. **takes a bow** ;)