Soooo my friend Emerald mentioned her cool dinosaur on her roof in her blog which can be read here. She mentioned she got a kick out of the pictures people took of themselves with her dinosaur so I thought I'd pop over and take some so share on my blog. :)
These first two are a sort of meet and greet. I'm the slightly uglier green dino on the right.
As I was snapping pictures I wondered if I could sit on her dinosaur. Apparently I could as you can see in this picture. lol
The one above and below are my "artistic" attempts of the two dinosaurs. roflmao Notice the lovely windlight settings. (rolls eyes)
And last I had to show the humorous picture of me tping home! Ummmm...I didn't quite fit in my barn. :/
Thanks Emerald for letting me come and take pictures with your dinosaur...although you don't know I did yet! Muah!
I am laughing so hard in real life right now!
I did it before you rez day and I didn't know it was coming up or I would have left balloons! lol <3
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