Saturday, November 13, 2010

Color Blue for 52 weeks of Color Challenge

I have been missing Mad Men lately on Sunday Nights. For a while there I had like 4 shows I watched on Sundays (which is a lot for me) and now I just have Dexter and I sort of miss them all. I especially miss tuning in to see what they were all wearing. I remember the 60's because I was a child during that time. Yes, I am old. It was so interesting because you had the fashion such as they show on Mad Men and then you had the whole hippy culture going on at the same time. I can remember my very prim and proper mother warning me about those hippies! lol

I chose a wonderful dress from Icing! I love most of the dresses from there and although this one was called Peggy I decided to go with more of a Joan look as I think she is just gorgeous on the show. You can check out all the great stuff at Icing here.

Hair: ploom - Reds 1 - Dusty Beehive Auburn
Skin: :: DUTCH TOUCH ::IsiS:: Cream-Liner Rec
Dress: * *ICING* Peggy - Blue
Shoes: fri. - Basic Pump (Cream)

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